yin yoga small group class

Proudly serving the Toronto, Scarborough, The Beaches, and The Kingston Road Village areas.

small group fitness classes in scarborough, on

what you’ll get inside our yin yoga class:

This yin style yoga class focuses on deep stretching and meditation.

Participants will enjoy the ambiance of dim lights, soft music, and aromatherapy.

Poses are practiced sitting, kneeling or laying down and are held for longer periods of time

The purpose of these “long holds” is to place healthy stress on the connective tissue at the joints, which can result in more muscle length and improved flexibility.

Throughout the practice several meditation techniques will be introduced to develop the ability to focus and clear unnecessary or distracting thoughts. This relaxing and restorative class can be both physically and spiritually cleansing and will allow you to leave tension and stress behind.


  • Sunday 10:15-11:15am

  • Thursday 7:15-8:15pm

all classes are valued at $30+hst. click here to find out more about options for using your private healthcare benefits towards a 6-week block of small group classes.

Full class schedule