acupuncture & dry needling

acupuncture in Scarborough, ON
dry needling treatment in Scarborough, ON

Acupuncture proves to be a powerful tool in pain management and tissue healing. Therapists use single-use myofilament needles, often in conduction with electrical stimulation (commonly known as electroacupuncture), as an adjunct to traditional physiotherapy or massage therapy techniques. By promoting increased blood flow to the targeted areas, acupuncture treatment aids in reducing inflammation, muscle tension, and stress. The treatment stimulates muscular tissue, nerves, and connective tissue, triggering the release of endorphins—your body's natural painkillers—resulting in an effective and specific approach to pain relief and healing.

In comparison to acupuncture, dry needling is a technique involving the manual stimulation of trigger points using myofilament needles. This precise method helps release muscle tension, alleviating pain and promoting a faster recovery process. The outcome is improved physical function, relief of hypertonic muscles that may be causing pain, discomfort, or limiting range of motion. 

Normal possible outcomes of acupuncture and dry needling may include bruising (given the goal to increase blood flow to a region or specific tissue), and temporary muscle soreness or fatigue. Pneumothorax, or a collapsed lung, is an extremely rare possible outcome that our therapists providing acupuncture and dry needling are properly trained and certified to avoid.