medical acupuncture q&a
By Dr. Angelo Staggolis, Chiropractor and Medical Acupuncture Provider
Medical Acupuncture is a precise peripheral nerve stimulation technique, in which acupuncture needles are inserted into anatomically defined neurofunctional sites, and stimulated with electricity for the therapeutic purpose of modulating abnormal activity of the nervous system.
Electro-acupuncture is a physiological intervention similar to exercise that elicits existing available regulatory mechanisms through the up-regulation and down-regulation of specific cellular processes such as the release of endorphins and mesenchymal stem cells to help restore optimal tissue environment and decrease pain.
I utilize this treatment intervention often as I see great results with my patients. An analogy to help grasp this concept better is similar to taking a high-performance vehicle for routine tune-ups. You can’t rev its powerful engine for long periods without getting it tuned-up from time to time. This prevents the system from performing optimally. This is similar to going to the gym or training for long durations without doing any rehab. The tissue will become tight and become more prone to injury.
Dr. Angelo Staggolis, Chiropractor & Medical Acupuncture Provider
Angelo received his Honours Bachelor Degree from York University, specializing in Kinesiology, before graduating as a Doctor of Chiropractic, Magna Cum Laude, from New York Chiropractic College. In tandem with his traditional practice, he also serves as the medical consultant of the Don Mills Flyers AAA Hockey Club, a position that highlights his dedication to sports injury recovery and integrated family health.