Strength training vs resistance training
By Manisha Wijayanayagam, Registered Physiotherapist & Pelvic Floor Provider
Increasing muscular strength, endurance and overall function is a relevant objective for all ages, and can be achieved in many different ways. While often used interchangeably, strength training is a type of resistance training that focuses on increasing muscular strength through high-intensity, low-repetition exercises, while resistance training encompasses a broader range of activities aimed at enhancing muscular performance with varying intensities.
The definition of resistance training is any type of exercise that creates a muscular contraction against an external force or resistance, with the goal of improving or maintaining muscular performance and function. Other benefits of resistance training include improving overall fitness, functional movements and bone density. Other types of resistance training are described below:
Endurance: often characterized by a higher number of repetitions (10-15reps) and lower intensity (40-50% max weight) of resistance, with the goal of increasing muscular endurance.
Power: often characterized by a lower number of repetitions (6-8 reps) performed at a quicker speed and moderate intensity of resistance (<60 % max weight), with the goal of improving our ability to access our muscles faster and improve functional performance.
There are different types of muscular contractions that can be performed during resistance training, which allows individuals to participate in resistance training based on their level of mobility. These contractions are described below:
Isotonic (concentric/eccentric): constant tension in the muscle as the muscle lengthens and shortens (eg. bicep curl). These exercises are suitable for areas of the body that have full or almost full range of motion.
Isometric: tension increases in the muscle but the length of the muscle does not change (eg. wall sit). These exercises may be more suitable for areas of the body where the range of motion is restricted.
Below are some examples of common methods of resistance training:
Bodyweight Exercise: using one’s own body weight as resistance (pushups, squats etc.).
Free Weights: using dumbbells or a barbell to provide external resistance and also challenging stability (chest press, bicep curl etc.)
Resistance Bands: the elasticity of resistance bands provide a wide range of difficulty and can be a very versatile way to train all areas of the body using one piece of equipment (banded pull apart, banded rowing etc.)
Weighted Machines: machines provide resistance while allowing for guided movement and increased stability (leg extensions, hamstring curls etc.)
As mentioned previously, strength training falls under the umbrella term of resistance training and it typically involves performing exercises with a higher intensity of resistance with the goal of increasing the overall strength of the muscle. The recommended intensity of strength training is roughly 60-80% of your 1 rep max and to be able to perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps of the intended exercise. As strength improves, exercises may need to be progressed either by increasing the amount of resistance or increasing the number of sets and repetitions. Progression is a key component of comprehensive strength training since muscles are designed to adapt and need challenge in order to be improved.
Resistance training is an integral part of the rehabilitation process, however strength training in particular it’s extremely beneficial even if you’re not battling an injury. Consistent strength training can help keep you strong and healthy, giving you the ability to prevent injury and optimize your physical performance.
The strength and mobility small group classes offered at Cadence are a great way to introduce or continue your resistance training journey. If you prefer solo training and individualized programming, our physiotherapist Alan Chan provides one-on-one strength and conditioning sessions as well. Cadence Physiotherapy is here to help you get stronger and achieve your goals!