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What is pelvic floor physiotherapy?

Pelvic floor physiotherapy (also known as pelvic floor physical therapy/pelvic floor pt or pelvic health physiotherapy) is a specialized form of physiotherapy that focuses on assessing, treating, and rehabilitating the muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues of the pelvic floor.

Pelvic floor physiotherapy involves a variety of techniques, including exercises, manual therapy, biofeedback, and education, tailored to address specific pelvic floor dysfunction issues such as stress urinary incontinence, urge incontinence (also known as wet/dry overactive bladder), acute pelvic pain, chronic pelvic pain and pelvic organ prolapse.

By strengthening and restoring optimal function to the pelvic floor muscles, pelvic floor therapy therapy helps improve bladder and bowel control, alleviate pain, and enhance overall pelvic health and function.

What is the function of the pelvic floor?

The pelvic floor has 4 crucial roles in our body.

It has a sphincteric role, providing closure around the urethral and anal canal and when working appropriately will prevent urinary incontinence or fecal incontinence.

It has a supportive role, providing strong attachments for the bladder, uterus, and rectum to prevent a shift in position of these organs, when this system is working well it will prevent pelvic organ prolapse.

It has a role in sexual function, the pelvic floor muscles will assist in achieving erection of the clitoris/penis during arousal (which means the pelvic floor can be the cause of common conditions like pain during intercourse).

The final role the pelvic floor plays is in stability, the pelvic floor is part of the inner core muscle unit for the lumbar and pelvic regions, when working well this will prevent shearing or friction forces through the joints in the lumbar spine, pelvis and hips.

All of these systems need to work together to give you optimal pelvic floor health.

The benefits of pelvic floor physiotherapy

Pelvic floor physiotherapy will aim to assess pelvic floor muscles and how they function for you, your strength and ability to control their contraction. You can come to pelvic floor physiotherapy with a pre-diagnosed pelvic floor disorder or if you've been having symptoms related to the pelvic floor that you want to have assessed and addressed.

Based on what is noted during the pelvic floor examination (which takes your full medical history into account), you will have education, treatment, and a home exercise program provided to you based on individual needs.

Many of us know little to none about how our pelvic floor is functioning, having insight into what your pelvic floor is doing and how it is communicating with you through your sense of touch and movement helps give you feedback to know when a problem is occurring. Patients have found this quite assuring and go home with confidence in finding connection with their pelvic floor and know that they are on the road to recovery in their pelvic floor health journey.

How to find a pelvic floor physiotherapist

Selecting the right pelvic floor physiotherapist is a crucial step towards achieving optimal outcomes. Factors to consider include the therapist's experience, specialization in pelvic health, and approach to therapy.

Researching potential therapists, seeking recommendations from healthcare providers or peers, and scheduling initial consultations can aid in finding a qualified professional who aligns with individual needs and preferences.

At Cadence Physiotherapy, we have two physiotherapists that offer pelvic floor physiotherapy. To see their profiles, CLICK HERE.

Understanding different therapeutic approaches is also key to making an informed decision. Some therapists may specialize in specific techniques or modalities, while others adopt a holistic approach encompassing various aspects of pelvic health. By exploring different options and asking relevant questions, individuals can find the best fit for their unique circumstances and goals.

What does a pelvic floor physiotherapy session look like?

At Cadence Physiotherapy, an Initial Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy Appointment will be a 1-hour one-on-one session with one of our pelvic floor physiotherapists (Manisha or Sarah).

They will spend about 10-15 minutes taking a detailed history, reviewing your health and relevant history and what brings you in for the session.

Next, they will perform an external physical examination for about 15-20 minutes. During this time, they will assess your posture, breathing mechanics, lower back, pelvis, and hip joint mobility and assess the muscle function and strength in the core and pelvis.

Understanding the mechanics of the body surrounding the pelvic floor can be fundamental in understanding why the pelvic floor is dysfunctional.

Finally, they will perform an internal vaginal and/or rectal exam for 15-20 minutes. During this time, they will assess your pelvic floor. They will assess externally first to see if there is anything to note on the skin tissue, surrounding glands and assess any scarring in the area.

Then, they will start the internal exam. One thing that they will assess is pelvic floor muscle tone. Dysfunctions in pelvic floor muscle tone is what leads to pelvic floor muscle dysfunction in many cases.

They will assess your ability to perform a kegel and reverse kegel interpreting your strength, power, endurance, and coordination.

Throughout, they will keep note of any areas of pain or other signs of dysfunction such as skin irritation, prolapse, enlarged glands etc.

At the end of the session, the pelvic floor physiotherapist will review their findings with you, note any pelvic floor issues found during the assessment. They will provide you with a treatment plan and home exercise program. They welcome any questions you may have and look forward to you understanding your pelvic floor and connecting with your body!

What does a follow-up pelvic physio session look like?

Often the pelvic floor physiotherapist will recommend follow-up pelvic floor physiotherapy treatments as part of the pelvic floor treatment plan.

At Cadence Physiotherapy, there are 30-minute and 45-minute follow-up pelvic floor physiotherapy treatment options available. The follow-up appointments are focused on providing quality treatments to optimize your pelvic floor health.

Some of these will include manual therapy techniques internally and externally to create adaptations in the tissues of the pelvic floor and surrounding areas. They may prescribe you with a home exercise program that involves strengthening and stretching exercises to restore optimal muscle strength and control through the lumbopelvic system.

Acupuncture treatments can be an option for pelvic pain, c-section healing and lumbar, scaro-illiac joint, hip or pelvic dysfunction.

Cupping can be used for c-section scar mobilization. Kinesiotape is another modality that can be used for scar recovery, pregnancy and postpartum support and lumbar, SIJ and pelvic support.

Please let your therapist know if you are interested in any specific treatments and they can help decide if it is right for you!

In conclusion, pelvic floor physiotherapy stands as a beacon of hope for individuals grappling with pelvic health issues.

This therapy helps with muscle problems and improves pelvic health, benefiting people of all ages and backgrounds. Pelvic floor physiotherapy helps with bladder control, bowel control, sexual function, and overall quality of life, going beyond just managing symptoms.

As we navigate the complexities of modern life, prioritizing pelvic health is paramount.

Through education, advocacy, and access to quality care, we can empower individuals to take control of their pelvic health and overall well-being. Let's begin this journey together, focusing on pelvic health as a crucial aspect of overall health and well-being. This will help us create a better future.

Looking to get started with pelvic floor physiotherapy? Click here!